Really Personal Podcast

Choose the Belief That Feels More Empowering

Choose the Belief That Feels More Empowering | Really Personal Podcast

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Mary Ann Addis

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It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you.


In a world where beliefs guide our actions, what if we could consciously choose the ones that uplift us? Imagine constructing a mindset tailored to your values, that empowers you and builds a life truly your own. Would it liberate you, inspire you, or could it revolutionize your entire process?

Choosing a belief that feels more empowering can be a very personal and subjective decision. However, there are some general tips that can help guide you in this process.

Firstly, it can be helpful to identify any limiting beliefs that you may currently hold. These are beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your goals or living the life you want to live. Once you have identified these limiting beliefs, you can start to challenge them by looking for evidence that contradicts them and reframing them in a more positive light.

It can also be helpful to focus on beliefs that are rooted in your own values and strengths. For example, if you value hard work and determination, you may find it more empowering to believe that success is achievable through effort and perseverance, rather than relying on luck or external factors.

Finally, it can be helpful to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who share your values and beliefs. This can provide you with a sense of community and validation, and help reinforce your own empowering beliefs.

Choosing a belief that fuels your soul is the ultimate empowerment. Our lives are a symphony of our mindset, beliefs, and values. Does it liberate or confine you? Inspire or drain you? The process of building a life of your own is a constant journey of mindscaping.

Tune into the latest episode on the Really Personal Podcast, and let’s learn together how to build a life that truly belongs to us

Choose the Belief That Feels More Empowering | Really Personal Podcast

Here Are The Best Values and Beliefs To Have As A Growing Person

#1: Understanding and having honesty, transparency in your communications.

If you give kindness, understanding, and support to others, then those same qualities will be returned to you.
This isn’t an empty promise or a quick fix—it’s an investment in yourself and for your future. If you’re giving honesty and transparency out into the world, what do you think is going to happen to you when you ask your own questions- what are you expecting to receive- THE SAME honesty! And this also includes being honest with yourself- otherwise, you’re working against yourself.

#2: Understanding and valuing your opinion over anyone else’s.

What you value determines what you focus on. Respect yourself and other people will follow. Know your worth- only you can determine this. Focus on what you can control versus the things you can’t control. Don’t waste your energy on things out of your control. Self-control is a practiced skill.

#3: Perseverance 

As long as you can persevere through the hard times, you’ll gain clarity, strength, and understanding, while simultaneously seeing a different side of the world, and a different side of yourself through perseverance. If we choose to live our lives with purpose and positivity, then we can expect these same qualities to be reflected back into us over time.


Remember, choosing an empowering belief is a process that takes time and effort, but it can have a profound impact on your life and wellbeing.



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You Deserve This Sh!t: Get Unstuck, Find Your Path, and Become the Best Version of Yourself Book Recommendation on My Night Stand | Mary Ann Life Blog

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