In the end… we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.
Whether you’re struggling with a big life decision or striving to win the debate in your mind, it’s important to understand the power of intuition and the willingness to make new choices. Instead of focusing on the outcome, we should be considering the kind of person we want to be.
To help you make an informed decision, join us on the Really Personal Podcast episode as we dive into discussing the struggles of making big, life choices. Everything in your life is a reflection of the choices you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.
If you’re unhappy at this junction in your life, be willing to listen, respond and change. If you want things to change, there’s no way around it- you have to be willing to make new choices, and part of that means that YOU have to change too.
Who, What, Where- Can you guess the top 3 most important decisions in life?
- who you choose as your life partner
- what you decide to do for a living, the career path you choose to go on
- where you decide to live
So instead of focusing on the outcome, we should be focusing on the kind of person we want to be and the decision that best reflects that: do I want to be someone that takes risks? Or do I want to be someone that chooses to be comfortable? If you know the kind of person you want to be, then the decision will become really clear.
And why are life decisions difficult to make? It’s because people fear and doubt the unknown. We need to understand that there’s no such thing as a right or wrong decision. You are where you are because of past choices. What does that mean or even look like?
Go with the choice that scares you the most… because that’s the one that’s going to help you grow!
How to win the debate in your mind, and make a choice!
#1: Have the ability to MAKE a decision, and MAKE that decision right
What does that mean or even look like? Think about it, it’s the wrong decisions that have guided us in life. Look at your track history. What got you here now? How do you find out the things and the people you like? How do you know the places you want to live? You’re gaining information, you acquiring information about yourself- dislikes, likes, preferences, etc. Understand that life is about the journey, not about the destination. Embrace every moment of it.
In other words, make decisions for yourself, not based on what others want or expect
#2: If you want a new life, make NEW choices
Make a decision today to do something different, and in a matter of time, you’ll have a different result. Continue to choose better. And that may look like fighting through the fears that are halting your growth and limiting your pursuits. Traveling, venturing into the unknown- life is short, make the best of it!
#3: What do you do when you’re having a difficult time making a decision? INTUITION!
Every single one of us is intuitive. Some of us are more tapped in than others. For the most part, you need to make decisions with this intuition. Otherwise, you’re going to be up all night with those pros and cons lists. Intuition presents itself as a sensation in the body.
#4: Does this feel heavy or does this feel light?
I’ve come to find that the right questions to ask as you survey each choice are: does this feel heavy or does this feel light? A very important stipulation here is you have to think about the essence of the choice, and not what’s required to get there. Sometimes there’s a hard conversation or requires a lot of work that we don’t want to do on the bridge to that choice. That’s why deciding to end a relationship or move to a new city or quit your job can feel daunting.
#5: Imagine how it will feel once everything has been done.
So imagine how it will feel once everything has been done: does it feel like there are a ton of bricks on your shoulder? If so, then that’s a bad sign! Or do you feel light, free, excited, and playful? Then that’s a good sign!
You and you alone what is right for you. Trust your higher self and intuition- it will never leave you astray!
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