Remember why you started.
Life is an adventure, and believe it or not, doubt is part of the creative process. The phrase, “don’t rush the process,” simultaneously sends chills and confusion up my spine. Do good things take time?
Well, in the recent episode of the Really Personal Podcast, we explore mindset, relationships, and therapy to get the most out of life. Our sit-down couch session explores the power of developing a healthy mindset and meaningful relationships. Gabby and I are here to remind you to trust your creativity and fall in love with the process of becoming the very best version of yourself.
Tune in to the latest episode featuring Gabrielle Bergeron to learn how to use the power of art to transform your life!

One of Gabby’s paintings hanging in my office as a reminder of unconditional love, peace, and joy.
How to trust the process and embrace your inner artist
#1: Gratitude
Being thankful for all that we have will remind us that what we truly have is all that we need.
#2: Presence
Allowing ourselves to be fully present with ourselves and those around us will nourish our souls.
#3: Meditation
Creating a space to sit with ourselves and engage with God will give our souls the opportunity for fulfillment.
#4: Reflection
At the end of the day, reflecting on all that went well, what didn’t, and how we can improve will effectuate self-improvement. Journaling can assist in this self-reflection. Mary Ann Life Journals and Prompts are the perfect way to jump-start your writing and meditation practice. With beautiful covers and pages waiting to be filled, our journals are a perfect tool for self-care and reflection.
Becoming self-aware is essential in self-development and growth, and when we apply these four practices, our self-awareness will increase with inner tranquility and happiness a we trust the process and embrace our inner artist.
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