Real & Personal

Another Glorious Trip Around the Sun

Mary Ann Addis New Years Goals

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Mary Ann Addis

Mary Ann

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As the earth completes yet another orbit around the sun, we humans anticipate new beginnings and a fresh start. As the ball drops on the final second of 2021, we look ahead in hopes that a “New Year” also means a “New Me.” Whether it is accomplishing a goal, flourishing in a relationship, finding love, or healing from a loss, we are graciously given 365 more days to make it right. 

But time, unfortunately, is uncertain. These past two years of the pandemic have further demonstrated that life has its moments in the sun and in the darkness, and nothing lasts forever. Time is a precious gift, intentional in healing, growing, and changing. The earth rotates on its axle while simultaneously rotating around the sun, creating different seasons and weather patterns, and we are no different from this effect of change.

I especially love this time of year because many of us engage in the invaluable practice of taking a moment or two to reflect on the past year. Personally, my reflections have yielded these 10 insights: 


  1. One of the best ways to get something is to let it go and just trust.

  2. Self-awareness is essential for self-development.

  3. Having less actually enables us to live more.

  4. Living effortlessly allows life to happen for us, rather than to us. 

  5. Don’t force anything–if it’s for us, it will happen naturally.

  6. Trust timing–things happen for a reason.

  7. We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. 

  8. We may not be who you want to be, but we are not who you used to be. It’s something to be proud of.

  9. Life is more about the journey than the destination–so enjoy it, slow down.

  10. We may not be able to change the past, but we can learn from it, and this is how we create the future.


Mary Ann Addis New Years Goals


When we stop forcing relationships, friendships, and even goals, and concentrate on doing our best without worrying about outcomes that are out of our control, we will strive for our goals with love, rather than anxiety and become liberated to focus on adding value rather than stressing about results, understanding that good results will come on their own if they are meant to be.

If on day 364 I am not in a relationship, haven’t met my ideal weight, or didn’t gain the number of followers on Instagram that I was expecting doesn’t mean all has been wasted because my earnest efforts have improved me, making me a better person than if I had given up and let myself wallow in despair. 

So what are you trying to force? What would happen if you divested yourself from the outcomes and just focused on adding value? So let’s go ahead and live that unforced rhythm of life, and know that what’s supposed to happen will happen. 


Healthy and life-changing habits, or practices to lean to in the upcoming year:

  1. Gratitude: being thankful for all that we have will remind us that what we truly have is all that we need.

  2. Presence: allowing ourselves to be fully present with ourselves and those around us will nourish our soul. 

  3. Meditation: creating a space to sit with ourselves and engage with God will give our soul the opportunity for fulfillment.

  4. Reflection: at the end of the day, reflecting on all that went well, what didn’t, and how we can improve will effectuate self-improvement.

Conclusion: becoming self-aware is essential in self-development and growth, and when we apply these four practices, our self-awareness will increase with inner tranquility and happiness. 


Serenity prayer

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Reinhold Niebuhr


New Years Recommendations

Journal Prompts

  • What did I learn about myself in 2021??
  • What do I want to welcome more of in 2022?
  • What do I want to release and let go of in 2022?


Podcasts Binging

If you’re a podcast junkie like I am, these podcast hosts are life-changing. As you get dressed for the day with a freshly brewed latte, enter into these impactful podcast dialogues and discussions. 


Mary Ann Addis New Years Goals

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty is an Award-Winning Storyteller, Podcaster, and former monk who is making wisdom go viral. The podcast provides wisdom and purpose through engaging dialogue and discussions.


Mary Ann Addis New Years Goals

O Being with Krista Tippett

A Peabody Award-winning public radio show and podcast. What does it mean to be human? How do we want to live? And who will we be to each other?



Mary Ann Addis New Years Goals

Tara Brach

Tara Brach, Ph.D shares a weekly guided meditation and talk that blends Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. The podcast addresses the value of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion in relieving emotional suffering, serving spiritual awakening and bringing healing to our world.


Must-Reads Guided Books

What Books Are on My Nightstand This Winter are up, and these guided readings are highly recommended. I would also look at the previous seasons’ guided books such as Atomic Habits and The Four Agreements for deeper reading.

Winter Must Read BooksFall 2021 Books to Read This Fall


Cheers to a new trip around the sun!



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